Scalable Salesforce Integrations on a Shoestring Budget - Dreamforce '19 - Giuseppe Cardace, Sébastien Virtel

My first Dreamforce session: Scalable Salesforce Integrations on a Shoestring Budget

This year I will attend my second Dreamforce, in San Francisco, and it will be my first time as a speaker.

Not sure how to describe my current feelings about that… it is a mix of excitement, honor and scare.
I usually lead the Lausanne, Switzerland user group so it’s not my first presentation but talking in a huge conference like Dreamforce is quite a big step.

The reasons behind my session

For the first time this year there will be an Architect Track with dedicated presentations. Since I am on my #JourneyToCTA, I thought it would be good to share a real-life scenario. It might not be the most elegant and orthodox solution but it works, it scales automatically, it’s cheap and low-code…
Not every company can afford a full-fledged ESB, so I propose an alternative solution that other architects can adapt to their needs.

Some detail about the session

The session name is “Scalable Salesforce Integrations on a Shoestring Budget” and, as the name suggests, it’s about low-cost integrations.
I will show how to combine Salesforce features, AWS server-less products and some free open source tool to implement them.
You can find the abstract, bookmark the session and send your comments here.

There will be a live demo but not enough time to go through all details, so I will publish on this blog the slides and a step-by-step guide to reproduce the demo scenario.

Dry Run in Geneva, Switzerland – November, 12th 2019

If you live near Geneva and cannot attend at Dreamforce, there will be a dry run of this session on November 12th.
RSVP on the Geneva Developers group page.

Step-by-step guide

At last, I finished my step-by-step tutorial on how to implement the integration that I showed during my live demo! Time to prepare my luggage for Dreamforce ’19!



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